Monday, March 16, 2015

Amazing Race Part 2

Haus Edelweiss
Some of you who keep up with me know that I have made it one of my life's goals to run my own Amazing Race (you can read more about it here and here.)  Last year I went to Denver during spring break to visit my brother and his wife and see the inner-city ministry they are involved in there.  You can find out more about that trip here and at the webpage for Cross Purpose Ministries.

This spring I am embarking on the second leg of my Amazing Race.  On March 29 I will depart for Vienna, Austria, to serve for two weeks in the ministry of TCM International Institutes.  There I will be working on the campus which brings students from mostly eastern European countries to work on advanced degrees in theology and ministry, so that they are equipped to return to their countries to minister to their own people.

My job during my stay there will be in guest services.  Basically I will be housekeeping, but I'm happy to serve in any capacity.

I got connected to this ministry through my very good friend Robin Beaumont.  She and her husband Terry live in Indianapolis, and I stay with them when I travel there to visit my aunt and uncle.  They have been going to Austria for several years now and are part of the regulars that make this ministry possible.  Ever since Robin first told me about this ministry I knew I wanted to see what it was all about.

Robin and Terry are two of the most gracious people I know.
Their hospitality to me over the last few years has been amazing.

At the end of my two weeks in Austria I will be traveling by train to visit my college roommate, Cheryl Winget.  She and her husband Steve have been missionaries in Budapest, Hungary, for many years and I am excited to see what her life is like there.  I tried to get my sister Penny who lives in Bulgaria to meet me there, but we were not able to make our schedules work together.  I guess that means I'll have to make a trip to Bulgaria later.

I'm so excited to be able to make this trip and learn more about the ministries that my friends are involved in.  It's going to be an adventure!

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