Saturday, March 14, 2015

Doing the Grandma Thing

Hanging out with Madeline on Friday

I became a grandmother for the first time on July 16.  Madeline Elizabeth arrived and life hasn't been the same since.  It is truly the joy that you always hear everyone talk about.

Since the school year started I have been able to keep Madeline once or twice a week most weeks.  We have become fast friends and she always greets me with a big smile.  Phil doesn't always get the same treatment but she usually warms up to him.  Phil says, "She always looks at me suspiciously."

I just thought I'd share a couple of pictures from this week and videos of her as she's becoming mobile.  She's just shy of 8 months old but moving around quite well.  She's like her mom.  A friend who used to keep Kathryn often when she was small often tells me that Kathryn is the only child who could walk under her kitchen table without having to duck.

Wearing the shirt Uncle Will got her for Christmas
"Amuse me, Giants, for I grow weary."

I made links for the videos.  You can see her making lots of noise here.  And here you can see her on the move (this one is a little too long but she's crawling at the end).

She's quite the girl, and I love her very much.

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