Tuesday, September 29, 2009


We had five students in class on Sunday.  One new student.  It was good to see all of them.  I continue to hope and pray that what we do and say is relevant to them.  

We showed the Rob Bell DVD called Name.  It was so good.  It talks about all the names and identities we go by in our life, but then it asks us to strip them all away and look at who we really are.  We are a unique creation of God, and our story, our history, is God's plan for making us who He intended us to be in Him.

So we are beginning to take a look at our story.  We want to recognize that God has been there all along, since before we were born, shaping our lives through people and circumstances and His word.  We are asking the Holy Spirit to illuminate our story by helping us to know and remember important factors in our spiritual development (John 14:26).  I told them it was like asking an artist or a musician to explain the inspiration behind a painting or song.  When you hear the story behind the piece, it takes on a whole new meaning to you.  That's what I want for their stories...greater understanding, illumination.

We're starting with their birth.  I asked them to find out circumstances surrounding their birth.  They might not realize what a miracle they are.  I told them about Kathryn's birth.  I had already had a miscarriage before I got pregnant with Kathryn.  And then early on I had trouble in the pregnancy and had to go to bed for some weeks.  I was worried that I might not be able to teach school when it started and we needed the money.  It was an anxious time, but God carried me through and Kathryn was born after a full term pregnancy.  I thought not too long ago about those days and how much I would have missed if I had not known Kathryn.  Though I don't dwell on it often I also thought about the two babies I lost.  What did I miss in not knowing them?  And I am thankful for the assurance that I will know them someday.  What an amazing thought!

Can't wait to see what they find out about their stories!  God is doing great things in our lives, and we need to acknowledge Him and give Him glory!


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