Tuesday, February 3, 2015

The Pleasure of This Day

My dear Madeline

I have felt compelled to recount the joys of this day.  It has been a very ordinary day in so many ways, but the pleasure of it has almost overwhelmed me.

I was able to wake up before the alarm went off and spent the first hour of the day in my quiet spot, reading various books and drinking a cup of coffee.  The next hour I spent taking a walk with my best friend Mary.  Although the temperature was in the 20s, we warmed up quickly.  Over the years of early morning walks, Mary and I have solved many problems, changed our attitudes on many subjects, and shared the hurts and the joys of our lives.  It is a sacred time.

Next I went to pick up sweet little Madeline.  She is a most pleasant child and spending time with her is nothing but a pleasure.  We shared some time with Mary and her mother-in-law.  She took a nap on Papa's lap and then spent about an hour entertaining great-grandma Irene.  I have never been a "baby" person but this girl has me, heart and soul.

I drove her back to her mom and spent another thirty minutes in intimate conversation with my daughter.  We both feel that these stolen minutes of one-on-one time are another sacred moment in our day.

On the trip both to and from the middle school I was struck by the beauty of the day.  I observed a red-tailed hawk hunting above a field.  The golden light of the late winter afternoon shone on the backs of black cattle dotting many of the fields I pass along the way.  It was beautiful.

After a supper of stir-fry I drove out to spend another pleasant time I observe regularly-- I go and watch Jeopardy with my mom.  As we watch and play along, we also share the details of our day.  It is a long-held habit, and one that I am thankful we both enjoy.

As I drove between our houses, I watched the full moon rise in the sky.  It was so bright, it was almost startling.  There is no need for any other source of light on a night like this.  It is perfect.

As I said, it has been a very ordinary day.  Yet, I don't want to forget it-- this day full of every-day joy.  Not to be taken for granted.  Not to be forgotten.

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