Sunday, December 14, 2014

Tribute to My Aunt Pauline

My aunt Pauline passed away on Friday.  She was a poet, and because of this, on the occasion of her 80th birthday I wrote her a poem to honor her and pay tribute to what she meant to me.  I have much more I want to say about her later but for the time being I will share the poem.

Pauline Swift, my dear, dear aunt—
The point of this poetic rant.
I know she likes to write and rhyme;
I hope this poem suits her fine.

She’s always been a happy soul,
She likes to bike and skate and bowl.
A devoted sister was Pauline,
The one on whom my mom could lean.
She likes to cook and feeds us well.
The family stories she keeps and tells.
The Pacers are her favorite team,
And when they win her face just beams.
She calls the government and lets them know
How she thinks they should spend our dough.

But most of all she loves the Lord;
He is the one that she adores.
She serves Him well and knows His Word;
She makes sure His praises are heard.
A truer Christian you’ll never see.
A life well lived—
And example to me

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