Wednesday, July 3, 2013

Preacher Elliott

Last Sunday we started watching an Andy Stanley series called “Go Fish.”  In this first lesson of the series Andy challenged us to write a letter to the person who led us to Christ.  He told us to do this even though the person who did this might have passed away, as is true for me.  So here is my letter:

Dear Preacher Elliot,
I grew up in your congregation and have fond memories of you, especially from our Vacation Bible School days.  I was about 9 or 10 when I became very afraid of dying.  I can remember my parents watching Billy Graham on TV, and I heard him talk about hell and I was afraid.  I often had trouble sleeping at night because of this.  I knew I needed to be saved.

I talked to my parents, but they were young and unsure of how to lead me, and so they brought me to you.  We all sat down in your office at church, and you led me to pray and invite Jesus into my life.  Later you baptized me.

A few years later I heard the gospel at a different church and had such a greater understanding of what it all meant that I decided I needed to pray and receive Christ in light of this new understanding.  I was baptized again and have followed Christ faithfully from that point.

Looking back on it now I have decided that my experience with you was the beginning of my spiritual life.  I acted based on my comprehension of the Gospel of Christ up to that point in my life.  I found peace in my decision, and I was able to rest at night once again.  I am so thankful for your concern for me as a young child, and the help you provided my parents in dealing with my young heart.

God has blessed me greatly, and I have continued to serve Him through the years.  Any rewards I have in heaven will be shared with you because of your faithfulness in preaching the Gospel.  Thank you for loving me.

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