Wednesday, March 7, 2012


I am amazed!

I have seen God moving in such awesome ways in my life and the lives of those around me.  They are small things, but I know they are God working in my day-to-day circumstances.

Yesterday I was reading a book about teaching and how to be prepared for your lesson.  My thoughts turned to Camp of the Woods and stories we might teach this summer.  The theme for camp is the Olympics, and I knew that we had used some materials at church many years ago with the Olympics as a theme.  I had looked for these materials at church with no luck, and I even called the company to see if they were still in print but they were not.  Now as I was reading and thinking, I knew I had some books on my bookcase that might have some good ideas in them, so I got up right then to find them.  I pulled the 4 or 5 books that I was interested in off the shelf and when I sorted through them, what should be right in the middle of them, but one of the books about the Olympics I had been hunting.  From there I was able to go online and find 2 more used copies on Amazon.  I had been on this hunt for months, and there the book was, right on my shelf!

Will also went to the doctor yesterday to get his medical clearance for flying renewed.  It went smoothly, and he is good for a year now (Hallelujah!).  The amazing thing was that Daniel Davenport ended up at the same doctor at the same time, and they got to sit and talk about all things flying, and Will got some answers and good advice that he needed to hear.

Then this morning I was searching around on some sights that I like to listen to for devotional, spiritual insights.  I keep hearing people talk about living in community.  Many of the speakers I listen to share how they have opened their home to several people in order to live more like they did in the early church.  It’s such an interesting idea to me, but I thought, “That’s not happening at my house.  I don’t think everyone here is up for that.”  But then I thought,  “I’m going to Camp of the Woods, where I will get to do that all summer!”  One of the things I’ve loved about camp is the communal lifestyle that we enjoy there.  I’m telling you, just thinking about how God has allowed that to happen in my life, when I saw no way for it to happen made me do some shouting this morning. 

This afternoon we got the word from my friend Jane that she is in remission from her stage 4 lung cancer.  Another round of shouting!!

So I bless His name in these good times, these good moments.  Praise God from whom all blessings flow.

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