Today is our anniversary. We have been married 31 years. Being married is hard. It's good, but it's hard. Today I'm thankful that Phil and I hung on to each other. There were many times when either one of us could have called it quits. Anyone who's been married for awhile can testify to this. But in the end, we were able to stay together for a couple of different reasons.
The first reason we stayed together is a determination to stay committed. In spite of how we might feel at different times, we did not let leaving become an option. We were in it for the long haul. My sister said she thought, "What have I gotten myself into?" But she too has stayed committed to her marriage.
Another reason we have stayed married is because we have learned to forgive each other. Over and over we have had to forgive. Every day. Forgive seventy time seven. And then forgive again.
I am happier in my marriage today than I have ever been. Phil would say the same. We have come to care about each other in ways that we did not and could not in our younger years. We were too immature. Too selfish. Too busy with kids. But now we have time for each other, and we understand how much we need each other. We have learned to speak each other's love language, and we can't believe the difference this one thing has made. (If you haven't learned this one, I say get started on this one today.)
So today I'm thankful for 31 years of "Dancing in the Minefields" with my man, my diamond man.
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