Saturday, September 18, 2010

Ladies' Bible Conference and More

My last post said I was in the midst of tough times. They continue and that has made it hard to write here. I feel the need to be guarded in what I say and share. Pray for me if you I come to your mind.

That said, I did want to reflect upon the Ladies' Bible Conference I attended at our church this weekend. This is an annual event and one that I have come to look forward to. It was the 20th anniversary, and we honored the past by asking Lois Jane Wallace to speak and sing on Friday night. She has been with us several times, but I thought she was exceptionally good in sharing her testimony in word and song. On Saturday, we moved into the future by hosting a Beth Moore live simulcast. It came off without a hitch, and it was a joy to listen to her share the word with us.

Here are the main points:

Proverbs 31:26 She opens her mouth with wisdom, and on her tongue is the law of kindness.

1. Kindness is not weakness.
Kindness knows and sees evil but makes the choice to be kind anyway.
2. Kindness is not an action; it is a disposition.
You can fake "nice" but you can't fake kindness.
3. Kindness wears down when we wear down.
4. Kindness looks pain in the face.
5. Kindness is a Savior.
Jesus was the epiphany of God and His kindness.
6. Kindness has good memory.
Rebellion forgets God's goodness.
7. Kindness craves an outlet.
8. Kindness leaves a legacy.

In such a mean world, it is good to spend a whole day thinking about kindness. May it make a difference in my behavior today and hereafter. God be praised!

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