Saturday, October 10, 2015

WOW! Catalyst 2015

What an amazing time I had in Atlanta!  Andy Stanley said it best:  "It's like trying to drink out of a fire hose."  That explains exactly how it feels to have so many talented people pour their thoughts and ideas out before you over the course of two days.

The theme of the conference was "Awaken the Wonder," and they had many creative ideas about how to awaken the wonder in us.  Some of the ideas made us think back to the wonder of childhood.  Outside during the breaks you could blow bubbles, play with Legos, color, and play games that were set up at various stations.  

I guess the most striking thing about all the speakers was how passionate and articulate they were.  These were people whose books I had read and who I may have even heard speak via the internet.  But hearing them in person was so powerful.  David Platt, oh my!  Erwin McManus, oh my!

But the women, oh, the women!  They were so amazing and inspiring to me.  They were allowed to talk, to share, and yes, to preach, and they were great!  Margaret Feinberg spoke on living through the tragedy of cancer.  Dr. Brene Brown told us how to have the courage to own our stories and live better ones.  Christine Caine, founder of A21, with such an tragic life story, really laid out the impact of good leaders and the impact of bad leaders.  Her point was that whether they were good or bad, they were still leaders, and their leadership impacted the destiny of their followers.

How we would have been diminished if we could not have heard the voice of these women.

The music was excellent as you would expect.  My favorite song was a new one called "When Death Was Arrested".  You should check it out.  Thursday night was capped off by a concert from David Crowder.  It was a great time, singing songs I have sung for so long, with this man who created them.  My favorite was "How He Loves."  

I plan to post several quotes from the conference and some posts about my favorite speakers.

It ended up that the roadblock for this leg of the race took care of itself.  It was simply the actual roadblock of Atlanta traffic.  I'm sorry to say that I did not leave Atlanta traffic totally unscathed.  Oh, well.  That 's part of the Amazing Race.   

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