Phil and I had the privilege today of accompanying John and Fawnda to the Wabigoon Lake Ojibway First Nation Reserve. I have never been to a reserve before, and it was an interesting trip in many ways. John has spent many hours on the reserve in the past and has been called upon to participate in the funeral of a friend.
We spent much of our time just taking it all in while John and Fawnda visited with the family.
After awhile, Fawnda introduced us to Sheila, the chief, and her mother. Phil struck up a conversation with them about hunting moose and other wildlife. They told us they will pretty much kill and eat anything on four legs. They particularly mentioned the comeback of porcupine.
When we got back to camp, I told Johnnie I had met Sheila, the chief of the tribe. Later he asked John about Sheila being the chief. Turns out I got it all wrong. What are the odds that I'm going to go to an indian reserve and meet someone whose last name just happens to be Chief? John got a big laugh out of my mistake.
We returned to camp to have another big fish fry, a delicious meal.
This evening John built us a fire on the beach, and we sat to watch a most unusual sunset. I hope to post a picture from a friend's camera later. It is a gorgeous night here. The temperature this evening is in the forties. It was a stormy night last night and blustery and cold all morning, but all is calm now. The rest of the week looks to be great weather. Can't wait for another great day here in Canada.
Night, all!
Native American Clipart supplied by First People - A large site about Native Americans and members of the First Nations.
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