* The men have caught their limit of fish every day. We have had a fish fry three times this week. :)
* We have cleaned the kitchen, the lodge, and the washrooms. More cleaning to come.

* I have been working on the program for the campers. The theme of camp is mystery, so I have been setting up a crime scene for the kids to investigate. I also had been trying to create a "real-life" Clue Game. I had several ideas, and then Matt & Melissa, who will be running the games this summer, came along and took that and ran with it. It's going to be great fun!
* I've been learning my way around the kitchen helping Fawnda. Every day Phil asks me so hopefully, "Did you learn anything today?" We wear aprons and headscarves when we work, and Phil said I look cute in this attire. Can you tell how much he loves food? BTW, the food at every meal has been so delicious. Everything made from scratch...Fawnda is amazing.
* Phil has been repairing and restoring some chairs for Fawnda. On Monday he is going to pick up a lathe that he is donating to the camp so that he can turn wood while he's here. Then there'll be another thing he loves to do here.
* Finally, we've just been relishing the relationships and the conversations. Everyday we get to become closer and closer to a dear group of people. And Phil and I are enjoying our time together here in this beautiful place, too.
I love these posts. Will be there soon!