Friday, September 21, 2018

Fall in Canada

We have arrived in Canada at the beginning of the fall season here.  It is my favorite time of year, and the great thing about coming to Camp of the Woods is that we get to have fall twice, once here and then again back home.  Double the pleasure!  So the doldrums have been replaced by Canadian adventure.

The pace of our days is very slow and relaxing.  Phil works in the shop part of the day.  I have been spending my time writing birthday cards to campers, a task I thoroughly enjoy, and teaching science to some of the staff kids here at camp. I get the fun of doing experiments with the kids and the added bonus of testing out some lessons for Will and his students.  These have been some good lessons about matter and chemistry.  Here are some pictures from one of the experiments about how things dissolve in water.  We were really fascinated by the results we got.

Our evenings are spent taking turns having dinner with our friends here at camp, each evening with a different family.  We've had some great conversations, which is something we love to do.  There is an intimate bonding that takes place when we sit down to meals and conversations, and our connections here are strengthened with each bite.

But our favorite times are outside, walking a trail or walking the camp road.  The colors are just getting started yet already beautiful.  Although I've not seen any wildlife to speak of except a stray pigeon, which was really weird, Phil has had some spectacular encounters with three bull moose.  But that's his story to tell, not mine.

Here are some pictures of the fall foliage.  Enjoy!

Some colors on a stretch of the camp road

The mushroom outside our cabin.  There are all kinds of mushrooms everywhere.
This one is about as big around as a paper plate.

One morning we got up and the mushroom looked like this.
Something must be eating it, but I don't know what.

Ferns are plentiful here too and before the shrivel up and die they turn
the most beautiful shade of golden brown.

Ferns in the sunlight

One of the most colorful tress in the forest here is striped maple or moose maple.
They are small, shrubby trees that turn all shades of red and orange,
including this brilliant red.

All along the edge of the camp road this is what you see.

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