Saturday, July 11, 2015

What Makes COTW Different

Each week on Friday evening we have a session where everyone talks about the week and what's been happening with the campers.  During that time we hear from all aspects of the ministry, and the people who work behind the scenes get to hear what's been happening on the front lines with the kids.

Last night as we talked we heard stories of several campers deciding to follow Christ it was very exciting, of course.  But I was really struck by the power of the ministry here at Camp of the Woods.  Here we set our summer staff up for their (many times) first real experience of sharing the Gospel with someone.  They have the responsibility of thinking through their presentation and trying to learn what is effective and what is not.

Sometimes when we turn them out to do this, we think, "Are they really ready for this?  Can we trust them with this great responsibility?"  And then we go through the week and God moves and kids make decisions.  What a gracious God we serve!

The other difference here is that these decisions are based on a relationship that these staffers have built with the campers in their charge.  Some of these relationships develop over the course of the 24/7 time spent with the kids during the week.  But with many of these kids this relationship isn't developed over just this week of camp, but over the course of many summers as campers and staff return to meet again.

God is at work in this tiny remote place in Northwest Ontario, and I am so thankful that I get to be a part of what He's doing here.

Story at Sundown

One of our team games

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