Tuesday, June 3, 2014

God Winks at Me

Last week I read a blog post by Glennon Melton.  Here is part of what she had to say.

"Yesterday was one of those days. All five of us played in the Gulf of Mexico while the sun beamed down, the breeze whispered by, and the sand warmed our feet. We felt held by all of it.  Right after I took this picture, six dolphins glided by our family. They were so close that we could see their blow holes. We could have reached down and touched them. We didn’t, though, because each of us felt paralyzed by reverence. After the dolphins swam out of our sight- Tish squinted up at me and said, “Mom,  God is FLIRTING with us today!”
Oh, yes. YES. Please hold onto that truth, baby.
Please, please continue to feel yourself so madly and deeply loved by the God of the Universe that you experience everything beautiful and wonderful as a personal gift from The One determined to win you."
You can read the rest of the post here if you like.

I often feel this way at camp.  For the past two weeks I have been walking the camp grounds and praying.  I have been trying to cover every area with prayer.  In doing so, I've become quite familiar with the lay of the land and it's been easy to notice big changes and very small changes around the area.  When I see something new I realize that I may be the only person who sees it, or notices it.  And it makes me think that God put that thing in my sight to give me a "wink" that He is here, that He is near, and that He loves me.  

Here are a few of the things that I've been able to see.

I know they're dandelions, but I still think they are pretty.
They look bright and happy.

A newly hatched egg was in the path where no one else walks.
It was such a beautiful shade of blue.

In all the camp this is the only red flower, a lone tulip.

Birch trees leafing out and touching the sky.

And always... the sunsets.
"The heavens declare the glory of God, the skies proclaim the work of His hands.  Day after day they pour forth speech; night after night they reveal knowledge.  They have no speech, they use no words; no sound is heard from them.  Yet their voice goes out into all the earth; their words to the ends of the world."  Psalm 19:1-5

1 comment:

  1. Wish I was there! Praying for the staff and campers and missions as you all prepare your hearts! Love and miss all of you!
