Friday, August 2, 2013

Sharing the Treasure

I've told you that over the past few Sundays we have been watching a series called "Go Fish" by Andy Stanley.  The last part of this series was called "The One That Got Away".  It was the perfect ending because it challenged us to share the gospel as we leave our summer behind.

Andy used a story from 2 Kings 7 to make his point.  After the city has been besieged for a long time, people are starving.  There are four lepers who decide to take their chances by surrendering to the enemy, but when they get to the enemy camp, no one is there.  God has supernaturally intervened and frightened the army away.  They leave in such haste that they leave all their equipment and supplies behind.  The lepers have a feast and gather items for themselves, but in the end they think of the people back in the city.  They return to let the inhabitants know that the army is gone and there is food and treasure for the taking.

All of us who have been here for the summer feel like we have received a great treasure.  I talked about mine in my last post.  But we leave here feeling the responsibility... no, the privilege... of sharing this amazing place and the work our awesome God did in our lives this summer.  Here are some examples:

Adam left yesterday wearing his superhero cape.  He told us that at home he is an entirely different person and that this time when he goes home he is not going to slip back into his "secret identity."  He wants to be bold about sharing his life and his faith with those around him there.

Sarah and Dayna have taken all the addresses of their campers so that they can send them birthday cards.  They want to keep cultivating the spiritual ground they tilled this summer in the lives of the wonderful girls they were able to counsel.

I am returning home with many projects on my mind.  There's so much I want to do, so much I want to share with friends.  At the top of the list is returning to share our superhero theme using this material.  I can't wait to see the kids and helpers get back into the swing of things in Kids' Club.  It's going to be a great year.

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