Saturday, June 29, 2013

Sometimes You Reap

Jason, Jessica and the boys were all great help in the kitchen.

I can't tell you how exciting it's been to share Camp of the Woods with so many friends this year.  The latest ones were Jason & Jessica Dildine and their boys.  We asked Jason to be the speaker for Teen Week 1, and he did an awesome job.  Many of the campers were from nearby youth groups, and many people had been sowing the Word in their lives.  Many of them were return campers too, ones who have come to camp year after year.  Jason preached and gave the invitation and the response was immediate every night.  Campers stood and came forward for prayer and stayed in the chapel to talk long after the service had ended.  I told Jason, "Sometimes you sow and sometimes you get to reap, and right now, we get to reap."  It was a very exciting week.

It was exciting for Jason and Jessica also, because Harrison and John were counseling this week.  They got to see the seeds they had sown in these boys lives bring fruit too. The boys were so solid and good with the kids.  I told them to be bold in their witness and I believe they were.  What a joy it was to have them here!

Harrison talking to campers after chapel.
John with Scotty, one of our favorite campers

Although I am pretty tired after this busy week, I had some exciting times too.  I have been sending birthday cards to all the campers, and it has given me another connection with them throughout the year.  I heard from campers and also from parents that the cards were appreciated.  The worst moment of the week was when I acted out the story of Naaman by actually dipping myself in the lake.  The only problem was that I got water up my nose and came up coughing and choking and could hardly finish the story.  But the best part of the week was asking the kids to come up and tell me about their hero.  I heard some wonderful stories and made yet another connection with these campers.

Sometimes your visuals don't turn out as well as you would like.

I know Jaron and Jaxon had a great time being kids here.  This place is a neighborhood like so many of us grew up in years ago.  The kids go out in the morning and come in for the meals, but the rest of the time they're just out there playing, riding bikes, crucifying frogs... you know, normal kid stuff.

What a blessing it has been!  And this is just the beginning...

I loved having the boys here!  I think they loved it too.

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