Tuesday, May 14, 2013

10 Things I've Learned from Phil Kiper

In honor of his birthday yesterday, I thought I’d post some of the things I’ve learned from Phil over the years.  Here’s what I’ve come up with:

1.  There is a system for doing things… his system.  From loading the dishwasher to packing for a trip, there is a method to the madness.

2.  If you have car problems, call somebody else.  Enough said.

3.  The only way you can mess up a cookie is to over bake it (via Nathanael Winget).  These cookies look like they are up to Phil's standards.  The doughier the better.

4.  When taking a picture of a person and a fish, the fish is the focal point.   Learned this after many failed photos (that I didn't see anything wrong with).  

5.  Scheming and saving to get something you want is way more fun that actually getting it (most of the time).

6.  Leading people requires making lots of tough decisions – and you don’t always get it right, even when you want the best for each situation.  

7.  Beauty in nature will nourish your soul.  I have been transformed myself from a bug-fearing, indoors kind of gal, to a nature lover and outdoor-type.

8.  You can’t go back, but sometimes you get to bring your past into your present.  That's why we're at Camp of the Woods.

9.  Good questions and open dialogue lead to deeper understanding and connection.  When I stopped being afraid of questions and let them be asked and contemplated, I grew in my own life and we grew closer as a couple.

10.  Like a diamond, a good man is transformed by time and pressure.

Happy Birthday, Diamond Man!

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