This summer we have all worked hard at creating memorable scenes for the campers. Last night one of the girls cabins spent the evening making costumes to wear. This morning they came to breakfast dressed as super heroes or villains. One of the counselors named Annie created a persona called "Annie (Obviously)." Her story goes something like this..."When you are in trouble, who will come to your aid? Annie, obviously." Talk about a memorable scene! How clever!
I've talked to you already about working to make the Bible stories come alive in the settings around camp, another way we're making memorable scenes.
Today we were able to create yet another memorable scene. Two of the girls in the Herons cabin won a 5 minute concert in our "Let's Make a Deal" game show. I asked Autumn if she would play her cello, accompanied by her dad, John. They played on our deck at sunset with all the girls (and many of the staff) listening attentively. The girls got to listen for about 15 minutes, but staff continued to come around for almost an hour, and Autumn and John graciously kept playing, repeating some of the songs.
We heard "Sometimes I Feel Like a Motherless Child" and ended up singing along. (If you don't know this song, look it up. It is mournful and beautiful at the same time.) They played "Somewhere Over the Rainbow," "Gentle on My Mind," "Raindrops Keep Falling on My Head" as well as hymns like "Great is Thy Faithfulness" and "This is My Father's World." The finale of the concert was "Swan Lake." It was one of the most wonderful evenings of the summer. Thanks go out to Autumn and John for sharing their gift with all of us.
I'm sure more than one person in this picture will look back on this night as one of the most beautiful experiences they've had. That's my hope anyway.
Memorable scenes...keep 'em comin'.
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