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The view from Lakeview tonight at 11 pm |
I arrived at COTW at 12:30 am and hit the sack in Lakeview. I haven't stayed here before and it is very nice. The pictures Will has been taking come mostly from the porch of this cabin.
We awoke to rain but by the time campers arrived at 10:30 it had stopped. The weather here changes by the hour. This week is pre-teen week and there are 45-50 campers. We've had a full day of activities but it has been hot and muggy (as well as buggy).
I am assigned duties in the kitchen before or after every meal. I was able to sit out this afternoon and splash my feet in the lake while the campers swam. We have the blessing of three lifeguards this week. It makes the sunny days so enjoyable for the kids to be able to swim. Next week I don't think we will have lifeguards so I don't know what the plan will be.
I will be doing some of the speaking in chapel this week. Pray for me to be able to speak plainly to these campers. Tonight I spoke about the fact that all we who are Christians are witnesses, we are the evidence, that God exists, and that He will do all He promises. I asked them to listen to the testimonies of their counselors and other adults here. May they believe the evidence.
The view at 9 pm |
The view at 8 pm after thunderstorm |
The view at 10 pm |
I don't know how that freaky large picture got attached like it did. That's crazy!