I feel this way about great conversation. Over the past couple of weeks I have had the pleasure of being able to engage in a lot of it. Let me recap it here.
I went hiking on the Cumberland Trail with Ashley and Kathryn. We had all been to church that day and the sermon had given us lots to talk about. It is so important for me to keep these girls engaged in discussions of faith. Too many people their age have completely lost any desire to think about their faith.
Even though the funeral for Phil's mom was a sad occasion, getting together with the extended family was a rare treat. We got to visit with all our nieces and nephews, along with the youngest members of our family.
Phil's cousin, Kevin, and his wife, Shelia, flew in from California. They are funny and intelligent and have a "California" perspective on lots of things that you don't always find in our neck of the woods. For instance, Shelia has an app on her phone that helps you select the best seafood to eat based on environmental factors (fishing practices, population of the species, etc.) She works for the Monterrey Bay Aquarium, and had some interesting things to share about her job.
It was fun talking to one of our favorite people in the world, Aunt Kay, and her daughters, who we don't get to visit with enough. We are going to have to do better about that.
We always try to visit with Phil's friend, Cathy and her husband, John, when we're in Illinois. This is the first time both Kathryn and Will had been able to be with us. Cathy is such a great hostess, and I am always envious of her beautiful home and her little tea pot. Our favorite quote from the evening... John says to Cathy: "You'll be bunking with her."
Sorry, you had to be there.
More later.
That is all great, Pam! Thanks for posting. Sounds like there is much excitement and activity at Camp of the Woods. So glad you will be there, soon.