What a dreary day it was yesterday! I was home alone, and in the middle of the day I found myself at a really low place. Crying. Feeling sad about so many things. And I cried out to the Lord, "Please help me! Send someone to help me out of this hole I've dug for myself."
Immediately I had an answer. I turned to working on finishing up on an Amazing Race I had been asked to plan for the TLC girls at our church. I had been asked to plan this over a month ago. I had worked two or three hours in the thinking stage earlier in the week. Yesterday morning I got up and put it all together. I went to church to copy the clues and put everything into place.
It was at this point that I spoke my prayer. And the answer was... the Amazing Race. I knew God had planned for me to be working on this race to help me through this day. Otherwise I could have gotten up this day and spent the entire day wallowing in my sadness.
God had sent the answer before I had even asked. He had known my need months ago.
I'm so thankful that I serve a God like that. A God who hears and answers our prayers, even before we ask.
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