On Wednesday nights I help out in Kids Club at our church. I’ve been doing this for sixteen years when we first started having AWANA at our church. Although it has often made for hectic evenings, and I can’t deny that Wednesday snow days are my favorite (no school= no Kids Club), I love teaching kids about the Bible.
Every week it’s my job to tell the Bible story. I love figuring out how to connect the story to real life. I love trying to make a story that many of the kids have heard over and over come alive. I love getting them to help me with the details so that they can share what they know.
But the best part of all is how God uses the stories so often to meet me where I am in my personal life and minister to me. In the last few weeks I have taught about being strong in God’s Spirit like Samson. (Teaching about Samson is challenging because he did so many things wrong, yet he is included in Hebrews 11 as an example of faith.) We sang a song with words from Joshua 1:9 which says “Be strong and courageous…” and the words nourished my heart.
We talked about Shadrach, Meshach and Abednego and how they believed the truth even when faced with the fiery furnace, and I was inspired by their words: “If we are thrown into the blazing furnace, the God we serve is able to deliver us from it, and he will deliver us from Your Majesty’s hand.
But even if he does not, we want you to know, Your Majesty, that we will not serve your gods or worship the image of gold you have set up.”
We talked about Abraham and how he believed God would keep His promise even though it took many, many years for it to come to pass. It reminded me that God will keep His promises to me also. (I’m hanging onto this one tightly.)
I am blessed when you who have children in Kids Club tell me about the conversations that you have with your own children because of things we have talked about in class. God bless you for taking these teachable moments and running with them.
All the adults who have served so faithfully through all these years bless me too. Many of them have served as many years as I have. It is a privilege to share this ministry with them. And it has been great to provide a place for people to learn how to work with kids. We’ve trained a lot of people through this ministry.
I could go on, but you get the picture… I’m blessed.
There are a lot of needy kids who come to Kids Club. And there is nothing I can give them that is more valuable than the truth of God’s Word. I’m so thankful to be able to share.