I believe in the devil and all the Bible says about him, but I've never been one to talk about him like others do. I hear people say things like, "The devil has been attacking me," or "I could feel the devil at work." I am often skeptical when I hear people talk like that because I don't think like that normally. But I have to say that today I became a believer.
I just got a clear picture in my mind of I Peter 5:7-9. It says, "Be alert and of sober mind. Your enemy the devil prowls around like a roaring lion looking for someone to devour. Resist him, standing firm in the faith, because you know that the family of believers throughout the world is undergoing the same kind of sufferings."
The devil is attacking my family. He is seeking to devour my children. It is real.
Now here is my next thought. If a lion were literally attacking my children, if the lion had one of them in its jaws and were dragging them off, I would not run away and hide, or stand there and cry. I would find myself a club or some kind of weapon and go after that lion. I would beat the lion and grab hold of my child and fight with all my might to take them from the jaws of the lion.
So I'm on the attack. I have my weapon, the Word of God. I will resist the devil with all my might, and the Word promises that the devil will flee. Pray for me. The battle is raging.
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