Saturday, December 4, 2010


I have been so appreciative of the preaching I have been hearing the past few weeks. I have posted about Andy Stanley and he continues to be a blessing. But two weeks ago Bro. Brian preached on suffering and he had a lot of good thoughts to share. I have been in the midst of suffering the last few months, so it was especially meaningful to me.

Reasons to rejoice in suffering

1. Suffering proves the reality of our faith.
2. Suffering promotes our dependence on God.
3. Suffering purifies our relationship with God.
Just as God used poverty, loneliness, temptation and betrayal in Jesus' life, He uses them in our life.
"The pain passes but the beauty remains."
4. Suffering produces endurance in our lives.
5. Suffering primes us for greater effectiveness.
6. Suffering provokes courage in other believers.
7. Suffering provides opportunities for witness.
8. Suffering prepares us to reign with Christ.

Our response to suffering in the Christian life should not be to avoid it, but to embrace it. We are called to discipleship in the here and now, and to glory later. And there is no comparison be the suffering now and the glory that will be revealed later.

There are ways to equip yourself for suffering. We must be willing to renounce the pleasures of this life, and to see them for what they really are... cheap trinkets compared to the true treasures of God. We should memorize scripture and meditate on it daily, hourly. And we should be dedicated to the Lord. We should be content to be nothing.

Finally, Bro. Brian said that faith marches into the darkness of suffering, holding the hand of the Savior who will never leave us or forsake us, never let us go.

Good thoughts! Good things to remember!

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