One last day with these campers. The week has flown by. It has held blessing upon blessing for all of us.
One of my responsibilities for the week was to run a specialized activity. The campers can choose from things like paintball, archery, canoeing, rock climbing, crafts, and other things. My activity is called navigation. It involves using different things to help you find your way to puzzle pieces that I have hidden around the camp. We have used directions, riddles, compass, maps and GPS to find our way.
In the end all the pieces form a picture of Camp of the Woods. At the end I tell them that God is using Camp of the Woods to navigate in their lives. Everyone has seemed like they had fun doing it.
Wednesday it rained and that caused some disruption in our schedule and made for quite a sloppy day. We still had to do as much of our activities as we could so we spent the day pretty wet.
Wednesday night one of the families that were working here this week got news that a car wreck had killed close family friend. They all left early Thursday morning, and that has caused a good deal of changes to the schedule here. I know Crystal had to take up some of the slack. She spent most of Thursday in the kitchen, and I know she was very tired last night.
Last night in chapel I got to share my talk about making bowls and how God works in our lives like a craftsman making a beautiful and useful piece of art. Everyone seemed to enjoy it, and I was very happy to share.
We are all looking forward to a good rest over the weekend.
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