The weather has been great! Beautiful blue skies dotted with white puffy clouds, the lake water so blue it almost hurts your eyes. It is late spring here and much is in bloom. I have read about arctic lupine (remember Miss Rumphius, Kathryn?) but had never seen them before. They are gorgeous.

While Phil has been fishing, I have been working here at camp. The theme for camp this year is "The Amazing Race." As soon as I heard that, I knew that God had this trip all planned out. I have been designing legs of the race for them, each day centered on a different continent. I have a couple of the days all planned out and am now working on gathering all the materials they will need to complete each leg. I love doing it and am very happy to be able to lend my help to their efforts.
Yesterday our friends John and Fawnda arrived. John is the son of the founder of the camp and grew up here. He was here when Phil was here in the 70's. We also went to Temple together, so I knew John from college days. We were actually debate partners. It is so good to be here with them.
We have had some amazing meals here. The ladies here just know how to get it done. "How many of us will there be tonight? 14? No problem." And off they go, mixing and measuring, stirring and baking. The results are wonderful.
Fawnda loves all the things I do not-- cooking and gardening. She moves about the kitchen with ease, has just the right tool for every task she needs to accomplish. Of course, she has done this for many years, so she has become very good at it. And you have never seen such a spic-and-span place in your life. Everything clean from top to bottom, every nook and cranny swept and clean as a whistle. What a pleasure it is to see it all!
I will be helping some with the weeding and planting the flowers in the beds around camp. Mary will laugh at that. I say that next year she needs to come and spend a week putting her touches around these parts. I miss her!
Phil summed it up like this: "This is my childhood dream come true. Here I am in Canada with my own boat and catching loads of fish. I come back and you are here to greet me. We have a great meal and interesting conversation with good people. We come to our cabin and watch a movie. Then we go to bed." How could life get any better?
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