In February, I will be taking of for another leg of my own version of The Amazing Race. Let me tell you how this all came about.
In Canada, at Camp of the Woods, we have a number of groups who come every year from different churches in the U.S. to help us get ready for camp. One of the groups comes from Terre Haute, Indiana. They are a wonderful group of people and very active in many mission projects all around the world. They regularly take trips to Canada, Germany and Haiti to partner with organizations they support. I love that they really want to be a part of the things they support instead of being satisfied to just send money. So when they were in Canada in June I asked them about tagging along with them on one of their trips. They said I was welcome to come.
On February 15, I will be flying to Port-au-Prince, Haiti, to spend a week volunteering at Mountain Top Ministries. You can find out more about this ministry here. I will be a part of a team that will be putting on a medical clinic for people in the area. The group from Terre Haute includes a doctor and the rest of us will be put to work assisting in getting people the help they need when they come to the clinic. My friends from Indiana have been joining in this ministry for the past 10 years or more, so they know the ropes very well. It makes me feel more secure to be traveling with ones who have so much experience in this place.
One reflection on my travels...
Following God changes your identity.
Before I started going on different legs of my Amazing Race I had traveled a lot in the United States but not outside to other parts of the world. As I have shared my journeys here I have changed in many ways. I see the world with different eyes and have a new heart for those in other lands. When I meet people, friends that I haven't seen for a while, one of the questions I get asked is, "Where are you going next?" That didn't used to happen. People know me as a traveler now.
It is very exciting to see how God brings about transformation in our lives.