My dear friends, Jason & Jessica, have been youth ministers at our church for the past 13 years. They have resigned, feeling called to something new, although they are not quite sure what that is yet. We had a special service for them tonight, and I, along with many others, got to pay tribute to them. Here's what I said:
"Jason and Jessica have been active in my kids’ lives for all their formative years. They have ministered to them in so many different ways. Their faithful service every Wednesday night has given my kids a solid foundation in the Word. Each summer at camp they were challenged to go deeper with Christ, to open their hearts more fully to the work He wants to do in their lives. They went on mission trips to New Orleans and Oklahoma, as well as being a part of missions right here in Dunlap. And both of my kids have chosen to spend a summer on a mission trip, Kathryn at Yellowstone and Will this summer in Canada at Camp of the Woods. Without the continued emphasis on missions that Jason & Jessica provided, I don’t know if that would have happened.
"I’ve shared a lot in their ministry, being a part of the Youth team, planning activities, opening my home, being a counselor at camp, chaperoning other youth trips. I introduced them to my brother, and he became their brother too. It has always been a blessing. I’m so thankful that they let me be a part of it.
"We have been through lots together, and they continue to be some of the “go to” people in my life. When I have been going through hard times, I have known that I can count on them and lean on them for support. They have been there for ME, not just my kids. I can never thank them enough for all they have done for us.
"They are two of my dearest friends, and when I heard of their decision to leave this ministry, I wrote them these words:
How courageous you are!!
You have let go of the known to venture into the unknown (or at least, the different)!
You have dared to imagine doing and being something different than what you see in your life right now.
"And finally I am sharing again with you this verse that has meant so much to me through this very tough year. We sing it as a song in Kids’ Club…
Joshua 1:9
'Be strong and courageous. Do not be terrified; do not be discouraged, for the LORD your God will be with you wherever you go.'
"He will go with you. You can count on Him."