I can't begin to tell you how blessed I continue to be by the preaching of Andy Stanley. We have decided to listen to one of his sermons each night that we are home. I would challenge you at least once a week to forgo watching one of the many TV programs that you watch and watch Andy and listen to what he has to say about God's Word. I guarantee you that it will do you a lot more good than anything else you planned to watch. You can find him by just googling him or by following these links:
(For some reason I couldn't activate these links.)
We have been listening to his series called Your Move. It is all about the questions you need to ask yourself when facing big decisions, especially big decisions that you didn't expect to have to be making.
The first question to ask is "Why are you REALLY making this choice?" Andy proceeds to explain how good all people are at selling themselves on ideas when we really want to. He said that lots of people want to follow their hearts. But that is dangerous because Jeremiah 17:9 says "The heart is deceitful above all things and desperately wicked. Who can know it?" Our culture and the media often celebrate people who follow their heart. But we must be careful, and as parents we need to address this with our children. Andy says that our hearts are not just dishonest; our hearts are deceitful. Our heart is purposely trying to mix a little truth with some lies so that we will follow it.
The next question Andy says we need to ask when facing big decisions is "What story do we want to tell with our lives?" Every time we come to a decisive point in our lives we are faced with the choice of telling a good story, or telling a bad story. We looked at the life of Joseph. He was put in terrible situations over and over in his life and each time these things happened he chose to trust God, to do his best in the storm. Joseph told a great story with his life.
Every season of our life will eventually be boiled down to a few sentences, probably a couple of paragraphs at the most. Each time we face a trial we get to choose how that trial will be remembered in our lives. How I need to remember this in my life right now!
So wherever you are, whatever season of life you find yourself in...
tell a good story.